
TITLE: Aimless Armenian 31st Annual Review


DATE: July 8th, 2017

LOCATION: Lake Chabot Loop, Castro Valley, CA


MANAGEMENT COMMENTS: Management was pleased with Aimless Armenian's performance at the beginning of this annual cycle. Many were skeptical if he could top his graduation in the previous one (See: 30THBD).  However, a lot of positive feed back was received at the beginning of the cycle in response to both the Coast to Coast and Camino hikes (though management is still waiting for the latter to be published). 

Management wasn't quite as impressed with what came after. While funding and support are not a factor yet, operations must turn to preparation and ensuring financial security rather than collecting more material for future articles (especially with the current article backlog). It is fair to say that Aimless Armenian's efforts have been, at times, lackluster in this regard. Nevertheless, management recognizes and praises recent and upcoming funding opportunities.


  1. Secure new funding sources
  2. Secure new base of operations
  3. Expand Team

PERSONAL STATEMENT: (whispers: Really? Annual Review? That's what you're calling it? Okay I guess... what's that? You're writing down everything I'm saying? oh...) Hello fellow wanderers! They brought me in here to do this yearly assessment thing, It's the first one since management took over and apparently they are all about transparency... so I know the final report is going to be published for every one to see. Which is great because I get to address all of you as well.

For this annual review, I attempted to hike around Lake Chabot, which is, essentially, right in my backyard. I've lived next to this lake practically my whole life and I've never hiked around it. That didn't seem right. Unfortunately, I still haven't hiked around it. Part of the trail by the dam was closed so I had to walk back.

I'm not going to go into details for this trip and there are no pictures. This one was just for me. But suffice it to say, it was a great, reflective experience. I will be doing this hike again, hopefully many times, in the coming weeks. I hope do a proper post or maybe even a series of posts about it as well. So please look forward to that! As a consolation for now, not only have I brought you consolation sheep, but I also brought picture previews of some upcoming Camino posts if I ever get around to it:

Baaaah! Don't worry about whatever you were worrying about. Look how cute we are instead!

Baaaah! Don't worry about whatever you were worrying about. Look how cute we are instead!

Day 1 Camino Excitement

Day 1 Camino Excitement

Couldn't have asked for a better group of people.

Couldn't have asked for a better group of people.

Spoiler Alert: I did it.

Spoiler Alert: I did it.

As you can see, I reached some of my highest highs this past year, but I also reached some of my lowest lows. Completing the Coast to Coast and Camino de Santiago were 2 of my biggest accomplishments to date, rivaling even getting a Ph.D. But, I couldn't keep up the travels for as long as I wanted to and I haven't quite found a career I can truly be excited about, which has put me in a bit of a rut. But, without going into much detail, I am working on a few leads and am very hopeful about the coming year.

I am sure management is advising for quite few "rebuilding years". Save up more funds, settle into a base of operations before any more adventuring. This is an issue where management and I ultimately agree. I suspect I will want to lift the moratorium well before management thinks appropriate, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

I will say one last thing about the Lake Chabot Loop Hike, It helped me remember that, the wonderful experiences I've had over the last year, and indeed over the course of my entire life, have only been made that way because of the people around me.  So thank you all.

Sincerely, Aimless Armenian. (whispers: No. Say 'Always your fellow wanderer, Aimless Armenian'. Or do you think that's too cheesy? what? why are you writing all this down? no... I didn't mean for that to be in there... just give me the pen... oh, now you are going to call security on me? Fine. We'll just wait here and see who's side they are on. No! get your hands off me! Don't you know who I am?!)

